Mónica López Fanarraga

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Catedratico de universidad
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Currículum vitae

Mónica López Fanarraga (MLF) (ORCID 0000-0003-4754-311X) is currently a full Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Cantabria and leads the multidisciplinary Nanomedicine group of the IDIVAL Institute, accredited by ISCiii, with 30 scientists. MLF has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Zaragoza in 1989, a Doctorate from the University of Glasgow (UK, 1993), and a Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Cantabria (1999). During her postdoctoral training, she made stays at the Hubrecht Laboratory (Holland, 1994) and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL, Germany 2000). She has been a visiting scientist at the University of Wisconsin (USA, 1993), the University of the Basque Country (1994), and the University of Vigo (2021). During these years she has been a beneficiary of international scholarships inc. Erasmus, HFSP, or EMBO Fellowship. After her return to the University of Cantabria as a researcher with a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship (2005-2009), she is accredited as an I3 Program researcher (2009), University Lecturer (2008), and Full Professor (2014). MLF currently has five six-year research periods (sexsenios) and five teaching periods recognized. Currently (Sep, 2022) MLF has an h-index: 27 (2419 Citations; i10 index 46). She has published 24/34 publications as CA/first/last author; 16/34 in JCR D1 journals in the last 10 years, and has 5 registered patents (4 granted) in nanobiotechnology. As a PI, MLF has been funded > 20 national/ international competitive projects (since 2011= 7 National Proj; 5 R&D Projects, 1MSC-Doctoral Network) and has had continuous competitive funding as PI since 2013. As supervisor of young scientists, she has been/is a tutor for 8 postdoctoral researchers from the Mª Zambrano, Margarita Salas, Juan De La Cierva, Sara Borrell, Marie Curie programs, and more than 10 predoctoral researchers from the FPU, p-FIS, i-PFIS, Regional FPI programs, etc. MLF has directed more than 20 postgraduate/master theses and 10 defended Ph.D. theses, all in the quality program of the University of Cantabria, 7 with international mention, 5 of them awarded the "Extraordinary Prize", and the last two (years 2019 and 2020), the "Juan Mª Parés" Award for the best doctoral thesis in biomedicine at the University. In March 2022, the Spanish Platform for Innovation in Health Technologies was born, an entity co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, as part of the Spanish Federation of Health Technology Companies (Fenin) awarded MLF the “2022 Best Researcher Award” for contributions made in the field of nanomedicine. (21/09/2022) (Updated info at: http://mlfanarraga.wix.com/gruponanomedicina )


Producción Científica

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Factor de Impacto y Citas Totales

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Colaboraciones internacionales

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