INTENCIVE - INnovation and Technology ENhancing Customer OrIented Health SerVicEs

Datos básicos

130.465,51 €
Año Inicial:
Año final:
PROYECTO Innovación en prácticas asistenciales EUROPEA Aportación dineraria

Objetivos del proyecto

The overall objective of INTENCIVE project is to improve the implementation of policies and programmes in terms of health technology innovation-driven and customer-oriented health services in the partner regions and influence the ERDF policies, Regional Operative Strategies and Plans and other selected relevant policies. In operational terms, the project aims to map the innovations in health technology and the good practices of how those are used in the health services in the partner regions. Thanks to the analysis of best practices found and the exchange of experience, each partner region will be assisted in finding the potential new approaches for planning and organizing their health services. Due attention will be paid to one already pre-identified good practice, namely the Bikva-model involving the customers/end-users based on support to the quadruple helix-approach and enhancement of customer oriented planning. Interregional exchange is focused on the role and use of health technologies, and focused on identifying suitable actions tackling all the main challenges identified, in order to reach the following specific sub-objectives: (1) to promote the exchange of experience and sharing of practices among 5 EU regions, through targeted capacity building and exchange events (i.e. thematic workshops, study visits, bilateral meetings); (2) to foster the preparation, application and monitoring of 5 Action Plans for integrating and deploying good practices in the health technologies sector within regional policies; (3) to promote the involvement of stakeholders in the interregional learning process of health technology innovation through the creation of 5 local stakeholders group; and (4) to foster dissemination of project results at regional/national level, with ad hoc communication tools, and EU level, thanks to the participation in the Policy Learning Platform of the Interreg Europe programme.


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