Nazely Diban-Ibrahim Gómez

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Categoría docente:
Profesor contratado doctor
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Currículum vitae

Nazely Diban is Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of the University of Cantabria. She develops her research activity in the Research Group Environmental Technologies and Bioprocesses. Her main research lines focus at: i) the design of perfusion bioreactors to act as in vitro cell models based on biocompatible polymer membranes functionalized with biomolecules and nanomaterials and ii) the study of electrochemical oxidation processes for the treatment of wastewaters containing persistent pollutants. Since 2004 she has collaborated as researcher in 9 national and international projects, has been co-PI in 1 regional Project, is currently co-PI of a project funded in the 2019 call of the national program for R+D+i (National Research Agency) and coordinator and PI of an international collaborative project granted in the 2018 call of the EIG-Concert Japan program, all of them through competitive calls. In 2010 she performed a 1-year postdoctoral research contract at the Department of Materials Science and Technology in the University of Twente (The Netherlands) granted by the postdoctoral mobility program of the Spanish Ministry of Education and during 1 year (2012) was postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Basque Country with a Juan de la Cierva contract, which resigned to join the University of Cantabria as Assistant Professor. She has been co-supervisor of 3 PhD thesis and currently co-supervises 2 PhD candidates. She has been co-author of 31 papers in international journals (h-index 17) and submitted more than 40 contributions to national and international conferences. Additionally to her academic activity, during 2008-2009 she was working as laboratory head in a private company dedicated to the treatment of industrial wastes.


Producción Científica

PublicacionesEventosProyectos y Estudios…Trabajos DirigidosP…100%Chart created using amCharts library

Se muestra en este gráfico el desglose por producto de la producción científica del investigador.

Evolución de publicaciones por Cuartiles

Chart created using amCharts library

Se muestra en este gráfico la evolución de las publicaciones del investigador en los últimos cinco años, donde se indica el porcentaje de estas publicaciones en cada uno de los cuartiles por anualidad.

Factor de Impacto y Citas Totales

Chart created using amCharts library

Se muestra en este gráfico la evolución del factor de impacto acumulado y las citas totales recibidas por las publicaciones del investigador en los últimos cinco años, con el desglose por anualidad.

Colaboraciones internacionales

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Zoom level changed to 1

Se muestra en este mapa el detalle de todas las instituciones con las que se ha colaborado el investigador en el ámbito de los productos de investigación. Se informa de la relación de instituciones por cada país.