Juan Francisco Nistal Herrera
Área de Patología de Sistemas
29Currículum vitae
Education and previous positions: 1979 Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MD), University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain. 1980 Accreditation from the ECFMG for validation of medical studies with the USA. 1985 Medical Specialist in Cardiovascular Surgery, Ministry of Education and Science, Spain. 1986 Doctorate in Medicine (PhD), University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain. 1990 Associate Cardiovascular Surgeon. Asturias General Universitary Hospital, Oviedo, Spain. 1991 Staff Cardiovascular Surgeon, Marqués de Valdecilla Universitary Hospital, Santander, Spain. 1999 Fellow European Board of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons. 2000 Instructor of Surgery, University of Cantabria School of Medicine, Santander, Spain. 2016 Tenured Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain. 2021 Chief of Section, Cardiovascular Surgery, Marqués de Valdecilla Universitary Hospital, Santander, Spain. 2022 Professor of Surgery, University of Cantabria School of Medicine, Santander, Spain. Biosketch: J. Francisco Nistal is Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences of the University of Cantabria and Chief of Section of the Cardiovascular Surgery Service at the Universitary Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. During his training, he completed fellowship-funded study leaves at the Department of Physiology at the University of California San Francisco and at the Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA. Prof. Nistal maintains a full-time clinical, teaching and research activitiy, with scientific interests that have evolved over time and that during the last two decades have focused on the pathological remodeling of the cardiovascular system in patients and experimental models of human pathologies. The research group he leads at the Valdecilla Medical Research Institute (IDIVAL) brings together cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, biochemists and pharmacologists in a multidisciplinary team. The group has received uninterrupted competitive public funding for its lines of research for the last 20 years and has participated as a node of the Cardiovascular Research Network (RETICS program of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III). It maintains collaborations with various national and international research groups. Prof. Nistal has an h index of 32 (Web of Science) an index i10 of 52 and has received accreditation for 6 sexennial periods of research activity (CNEAI, ANECA, Spanish National Agency for Quality Evaluation and Accreditation). He has published more than 160 scientific documents in international indexed journals (52% of them in the first quartile and 22% in the first decile of JCR impact factor). His scientific production has been cited 3011 times (Web of Science) with over 200 annual citations during the last three years. He has supervised nine Doctoral Theses that have obtained the highest qualification and one of them the extraordinary prize of the Doctorate. ORCID: Nº: 0000-0002-4152-7621
Producción Científica
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Evolución de publicaciones por Cuartiles
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Factor de Impacto y Citas Totales
Se muestra en este gráfico la evolución del factor de impacto acumulado y las citas totales recibidas por las publicaciones del investigador en los últimos cinco años, con el desglose por anualidad.
Campos de estudio
Colaboraciones internacionales
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