Julio Francisco Jimenez Bonilla
16Currículum vitae
Julio F. Jiménez-Bonilla, specialized in Nuclear Medicine at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. After his residence, he obtained the MD degree about the state of the regional brain perfusion in diabetic patients evaluated by metabolic imaging and emission tomography (1997). Afterwards, he studied the cerebrovascular reserve in such patients, as a Postdoc researcher of the Marqués de Valdecilla Foundation (1999). He worked in the Nuclear Medicine Service of The University Health Care Complex of León. In 2005 he returned to the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital to participate in the start-up and developing of the clinical application of molecular imaging with PET/CT, where he is currently working. He is a member of the Molecular Imaging Group of IDIVAL. He has published more than 70 scientific articles and 130 contributions to scientific congresses, as well as several book chapters. He is a reviewer and member of scientific publications of his field. His areas of interest include the study of neurobiological bases of neurological diseases, especially in neuro degenerative diseases as Alzheimer disease in preclinical stage, early stage and AD dementia, with PET/CT radiotracers. Clinical application of molecular imaging with PET/CT in oncology is another area of his interest. Currently, he is leading a longitudinal study of patients with mild cognitive impairment by 11C-PIB PET/CT, supported by FISS. He also collaborates in other research about potential Alzheimer disease treatments in early stages of the disease (DIANTU).
Producción Científica
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Evolución de publicaciones por Cuartiles
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Factor de Impacto y Citas Totales
Se muestra en este gráfico la evolución del factor de impacto acumulado y las citas totales recibidas por las publicaciones del investigador en los últimos cinco años, con el desglose por anualidad.
Colaboraciones internacionales
Se muestra en este mapa el detalle de todas las instituciones con las que se ha colaborado el investigador en el ámbito de los productos de investigación. Se informa de la relación de instituciones por cada país.