José Manuel Olmos Martínez

Área de Patología de Sistemas

Scopus Author:
Olmos JM
Categoría docente:
Catedratico de universidad
Nivel de Titulación:

Unidades de Investigación:




Currículum vitae

Dr. José Manuel Olmos is Head of Unit in Department of Internal Medicine at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital and Assistant Professor at the Department of Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Cantabria, Spain. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND University of Salamanca, Medicine Graduate 1979 (M.D.) University of Salamanca, PhD 1985 Specialist Training in Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Clínico Universitario of Salamanca, from 1980 to 1985 (Certification of Specialist in Internal Medicine: 17/04/1985). PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Associated Professor of Medicine of Department of Medicine and Psychiatry, Universidad de Cantabria (1988-2011). Researcher of the group of Mineral and Lipid Metabolism (IDIVAL). National coordinator of the Osteoporosis Working Group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine SEMI; 2010-2014). Vice president of the Spanish Society for Bone Research and Mineral Metabolism (SEIOMM; 2014-2016) Member of the GEnetic Factors for OSteoporosis Consortium (GEFOS). Member of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Cantabria (2004-2012). Editorial Board Member of Revista de Osteoporosis y Metabolismo Mineral (ROMM), and referee of different journals as Endocrinology, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Biomarkers In Medicine, European Journal of Endocrinology, Hormone and Metabolic Research, Word Journal of Surgical Oncology, Rheumatology International, Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, Revista Clínica Española, etc. Funding as PI in four different Spanish grants (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and as collaborating researcher in more than 10 programme grants (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fundación Areces). H-Index of 21 (JCR) and Research Gate 40.75, having published over 150 peer-reviewed articles and more than 70 book chapters including articles in high-impact journals such as Nature, Nature Genetics, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Scientific reports, Osteoporosis International, Human Molecular Genetics, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Menopause, etc. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES OR ORGANIZATIONS American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) International Bone Mineral Society (IBMS) Sociedad Española de Investigaciones Oseas y del Metabolismo Mineral (SEIOMM) European Association of Internal Medicine (AEMI) Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI) CURRENT RESEARCH INTEREST Current research interests include Clinical and Epidemiology on diseases of mineral metabolism, genetic and epigenetic of metabolic bone diseases, relationship between mineral metabolism, cardiovascular risk and connectivopathies, frailty and sarcopenia.


Producción Científica

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Evolución de publicaciones por Cuartiles

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Factor de Impacto y Citas Totales

Se muestra en este gráfico la evolución del factor de impacto acumulado y las citas totales recibidas por las publicaciones del investigador en los últimos cinco años, con el desglose por anualidad.

Colaboraciones internacionales

Se muestra en este mapa el detalle de todas las instituciones con las que se ha colaborado el investigador en el ámbito de los productos de investigación. Se informa de la relación de instituciones por cada país.