Integrated care solution for patients hospitalized at home, enabled by digital technology
Datos básicos
- Código:
- EU19/10
- Dotación:
- 99.900,00 €
- Año Inicial:
- 2020
- Año final:
- 2022
Objetivos del proyecto
Better@Home will deploy and exploit an integrated care solution for patients hospitalized at home, enabled by digital technologies, with the aim to improve pa..ent healthcare outcomes and patient satisfaction, as well as, it will help reduce costs to the healthcare system through the op..miza..on of resources and the coordination of a multidisciplinary team, maintaining the quality and safety of the patient. It is based on five pillars: the incorpora.tion of Technology to perform a real remote monitoring of patients; the definition of Protocols (workflows, pathways, etc) to increase the efficiency of the care processes; the implementation of a Support Center to ensure proper implementation of the comprehensive solution within the Hospital at Home unit; the design of an Integration layer with hospital information systems; and the improvement of the Coordination with Primary Care to stablish a protocolized communication channel between the hospital and primary care.
Unidades de investigación
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